First, far left, middle, then far right. But, if you want to get all the items, you have to just randomly press them
you get the card key for the radio tower in goldenrod by saving the director from the underground basement. Talk to him and he should give it to you.
All you have to do is defeat the Mahogany leader and reach the top of Radio Tower in Goldenrod city.
The amulet coin is in the basement of the pokemart in goldenrod while you defeat the rockets that take over the radio station
The basement key is used in the Goldenrod underground. You get it while rescuing the Radio Tower from Team Rocket - specifically, after defeating a Rocket Executive disguised as the director.
In case in goldenrod city take the underground path. There will be a door. Get the key from the rocket executive in radio tower. In case of lavender town we can't go underground.
you get the card key for the radio tower in goldenrod by saving the director from the underground basement. Talk to him and he should give it to you.
In the warehouse in goldenrod (make sure you have beaten the radio tower, and have the basement key) go to 3F of the radio tower and open the shutters then battle to beat them
In the basement under Goldenrod city mart when Team Rockets invade the radio tower.
All you have to do is defeat the Mahogany leader and reach the top of Radio Tower in Goldenrod city.
you have to have your seventh badge and have beaten the basement (before to top after lookout tower and i mean basement before top after tower
The amulet coin is in the basement of the pokemart in goldenrod while you defeat the rockets that take over the radio station
The basement key is used in the Goldenrod underground. You get it while rescuing the Radio Tower from Team Rocket - specifically, after defeating a Rocket Executive disguised as the director.
In case in goldenrod city take the underground path. There will be a door. Get the key from the rocket executive in radio tower. In case of lavender town we can't go underground.
First you need to get the key from the radio tower in goldenrod. Then in the radio tower there is a place where you need to go. Then go into the basement.Later come back to beat the boss. Good luck! P.S. You need to get a key from the basement to open the door that leads you to the boss.[I might be wrong because I did it a long time ago. I'm not that good at remembering stuff that happened long time ago.]
you go to goldenrod and go to the goldenrod tunnel and talk with a team rocket man he gives you there team rockets uniform then you go to the radio station and talk to the guy and he will battle you then you keep going up flights of stairs then you will battle a guy who is actually a girl then you battle her if you win you get the basement key
Team Rocket's hideout is in Mahogany town. Team rocket can be found in the radio tower and in the underground basement in Goldenrod after you beat Pryce of Mahogany town (who cannot be fought until you take down team rocket in the same town), but they have no "hideout" in Goldenrod.