to me totodile would be the strongest starter because it learns ice fang which grass is weak against and it has natural water moves that beat fire.
Well, it depends on what game but the fire Pokemon always has the strongest stats but it depends on your playing style
no strongest. just depends on who has the type advantage in a battle. they're all great pokemon!
Pokemon crystal,Pokemon gold, & Pokemon silver..VERONICA
water types are the strongest starter Pokemon because they have not many flaws besides being weak to leaf.
Those Pokemon are starter Pokemon in silver and gold, but those are color games.
in my opinion, torchic or mudkip is the strongest.
Tortera because is the only starter Pokemon that can learn earthquake witch is powerful.
Todadile when he's a feralagator he's the strongest starter Pokemon if you train him well DO NOT GET CHICKORITA it sucks even though its cute
It is a completely a opinion
Pikachu has the most experience in battles and is the strongest starter Ash has.
Train your starter and other of the strongest Pokemon you have often.
Technically Cyndiquil is the strongest but it all depends on what type of Pokemon you want.
Well, it depends on what game but the fire Pokemon always has the strongest stats but it depends on your playing style
no strongest. just depends on who has the type advantage in a battle. they're all great pokemon!
no u can't
you're starter Pokemon lv 100
Train it.