By leveling up; Psychic and Dragon Pulse (Power 90 + STAB on both)
In Generation IV, Psychic is learned at level 65 and Dragon Pulse at level 70.
In Generation V, Psychic is learned at level 60 and Dragon Pulse at level 80.
By Move Tutor, the strongest move is Draco Meteor (Power 140 + STAB)
By TM, the strongest moves are Giga Impact and Hyper Beam (Power 150 on both)
The strongest is Focus Punch with 150 power, but is not a good move unless you are behind a Substitute.
The move is Doom Desire
meteor mash
latios,latias, mightyena,rayquaza,poochyena,Maybe Gyarados can
the strongest move is growl ill think you'll find that the strongest move is splash
Who did Penn make the strongest appeal to to move to Pennsylvania
Pidgeot is a Flying type and the strongest Flying type move it can learn is Sky Attack.
The strongest is Focus Punch with 150 power, but is not a good move unless you are behind a Substitute.
Torterras strongest move is earthquakeme and my freind beat the league with torrteras earthquake not true torterra's best move is leaf storm
The Strongest flying move in Pokemon Sapphire is 'Sky Attack'5PP140 Attack90 Accuracy
LATIOS is a psychic/dragon type Pokemon. His special move in which only he can learn is Luster purge. Unlike all other legendaries, Latios and Latias are the only ones with a gender. Latios also makes an appearance in Pokemon Heros.
The move is Doom Desire
The only turtwig you can find is if you have chose piplup and fight your ally but i chose turtwig and in etherna city i had a grotle, when i found the gym leader, she had a turtwig at start-----Meh team---lvling up still---- Torterra-lvl 71 Strongest move-Earthquake Lucario-lvl 49 Strongest move- Close combat Gabite-lvl 44 Strongest move- Night slash Luxray-lvl34 Strongest move- Thunder Gyardros-lvl53 Strongest move- Flamethrower Gallade-lvl43 Strongest move- X-Sissor Im still in elite four o.o
Air Slash
final blowup