The shortest English word is 'a'.
the shortest word in the English language is a and I
The word "eunoia" is the shortest word containing A, E, I, O, and U. (It means having mental health, or having rapport with an audience.)
Ymophobia - Fear of contrarietyYnotphobia - fear of trying to naming a phobia with a word that begins with the letter "Y"
ArachnophobiaArachno is the prefix or stem of the word, while phobia is the suffix.
The shortest English word is 'a'.
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is not a phobia word its a lung disease but it is still the longest word in the world.
yes, all things have a phobia
The word "phobia" originates from the Greek language. It comes from the Greek word "phobos," which means fear or aversion.
the shortest word in the English language is a and I
No, the word phobia is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a fear, a thing.An adjective is a word that describes a noun, for example: an irrational phobia, a mild phobia.Words that represent common phobias (claustrophobia, arachnophobia, coulrophobia) are also nouns.
Broccoliphobia is the word informally used to describe a phobia of broccoli - however it is not an official clinical phobia word. It was made up recently and has not been recognised by phobia psychologists. The fear of vegetables is Lachanophobia.
She has a phobia of spiders and can't even look at a picture of one without feeling anxious.
When the suffix -phobia is added to a word, it creates a noun that refers to a fear or aversion to the thing specified by the root word. For example, arachnophobia is a fear of spiders.