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The word "eunoia" is the shortest word containing A, E, I, O, and U.

(It means having mental health, or having rapport with an audience.)

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Q: What is the shortest word to contain all 5 vowels?
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Which is the shortest word which has all the five vowels in alphabetical order?


What words contain all 5 vowels?

Here are a some words that contain each vowel once:sequoiafacetiousabstemiouseducationWords containing all vowels plus "y" are:abstemiouslyfacetiouslyInterestingly, only facetious and abstemiouscontain each of the vowels in alphabetical order. The word uncomplimentary contains one of each vowel in reverse order.There are quite a few more:adventitiousauthenticationauthoritiesauthorizeautomobileevacuationfavourite (UK)gourmandizemisbehaviour (UK)miscellaneousmultimillionaireoutlandishnessoutpatientpandemoniumprecariousprecautionregulationrevolutionaryremunerationtambourinetourmalineunobjectionableThe shortest word containing all five vowels without repetition is the word "eunoia" (meaning good health, or the rapport a speaker has with an audience).

What is the shortest word with all 5 vowels in correct order?

Abstemious is a 10 letter word that contains 5 vowels in correct order. It means not moderate when eating and drinking.

What is the shortest word with all five vowels?

Facetious, at nine letters long, might be the shortest word that contains all five vowels in alphabetical order.Suoidea, seven letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels in reverse alphabetical order.Other words with this property are the ten letter words duoliteral and unoriental, the fourteen letter word subcontinental, and the fifteen letter words neuroepithelial and uncomplimentary.actually it is aerious, meaning "airy"

Name doesnt contain vowels?

all words have vowels

What 5 letter word has all 5 vowels with no consonant in it?

"Eunoia" is the shortest word I found with all five vowels in it. And one consonant, regrettably. You may wish to consult with a Scrabble dictionary, they may have some esoteric semi-words that might serve.

What a word which have all vowels?

I is a word in English with only vowels.

What word uses all vowels?

The word which has all the vowels "AUTOMOBILE". There is A,E,I,O,U

Give you a word which include all vowel?

one word that not only has all the vowels, it is the only word with all the vowels in order. the word is: FACETIOUS.

What words contain all five vowels?

There are several English words that contain all five vowels. These include abstemious, facetious, arsenious, acheilous, acheilous, as well as caesious.

Indian girls name which contain all vowels?


How many vowels are in the word restaurant?

There are four vowels in the word "restaurant". the vowels are e, a, and u. All vowels are a, e, i, o, and u.</P>