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usually i go onto for one but gimmeabreak (where you spawn IN a village) is one for 1.1 . i tried it in 1.2 and it spawns in a forest. i dont know for sure any others but yeah.

-gogogp :D

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Q: What is the seed to find village in minecraft cracked?
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you find them all over the place a nd in a village in sprflt mode, survival, and u can c the village from the spawn the seed is village

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You just search. You can find one more easily on superflat by creating a superflat world and entering this map seed. 'pleasespawnvillage'

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If cheats are enabled in your world, do /seed to find your seed.

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you can get it from npc villages. here is a seed for a npc village: FINAL

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There's a option in the menu when starting a new map if you want a village. If you just make a new map with out any options then villages are part of the map. You just have to explore a bit to find them. The villages are randomly generated. If you want to do an internet search for "minecraft village maps" then you may find some maps that some people have found close to the spawn point.

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