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If cheats are enabled in your world, do /seed to find your seed.

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Q: How do you find out your seed in minecraft?
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What is the seed for herobrines mansion in minecraft pe?

That's a map, not a seed. You can find it on Google.

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The 'seed' only controls the terrain. What you need is to find a 'skin', and upload it to your account through the Minecraft website.

What is a Minecraft diamond seed?

A minecraft diamond seed is a seed in which you can find diamonds very easily. There used to be a seed (1million) that generated big mountains, and if you dug down from where you spawned you'd find a diamond cave. Most diamond seeds are fake, but others can be real.

What is a seed for Pokemon in Minecraft?

Pokemon on Minecraft is a mod, not a seed. Search the Minecraft Forum.

How do you find a swamp in minecraft?

By exploring or you could find a seed that spawns you in a swamp biome.

Where can you find villagers in minecraft?

In the villages. What did you think? If you can't find any villages, try this seed: gimmeabreak

What is the moon seed in Minecraft?

There is no moon on minecraft.

What is the seed for a jungle in Minecraft?

I have found a jungle seed for minecraft 1.2.4 the seed is innotchesname no caps and no spaces

What is a Minecraft PE seed with a big ocean?

The Minecraft PE seed with a big ocean is -839019905251343089 .

Where can you find a Dungeon in the Minecraft bluebirds world seed?

i used that seed and found 5 dungeons in a mountain region under the mountains

What is the Minecraft seed for dungeon spawning?

just look at the minecraft seed list by googleing it by typin "What are the dungeon seeds for minecraft?" hope this helped