'Seeds' are what the game uses to generate the terrain. Seeds do not create player-built structures like treehouses.
Pokemon on Minecraft is a mod, not a seed. Search the Minecraft Forum.
I have found a jungle seed for minecraft 1.2.4 the seed is innotchesname no caps and no spaces
It isnt a seed, you have to download it.
If cheats are enabled in your world, do /seed to find your seed.
It is not a seed, it is a world download. Look up dropper world download on google or minecraft forums
If you garden a lot, you may be able to get a tree house seed.
Pokemon on Minecraft is a mod, not a seed. Search the Minecraft Forum.
Sprite is a great minecraft seed if you are trying to have a island and only an island. This seed has only on tree and is not completely flat, and also there should be a huge tunnel if you start digging in the middle of the island. But be careful because since there is only one tree you will have to be very careful about using the wood and be sure to plant the tree saplings that fall from the one tree so you can plant more trees for more wood.
There is no moon on minecraft.
I have found a jungle seed for minecraft 1.2.4 the seed is innotchesname no caps and no spaces
The Minecraft PE seed with a big ocean is -839019905251343089 .
just look at the minecraft seed list by googleing it by typin "What are the dungeon seeds for minecraft?" hope this helped
It isnt a seed, you have to download it.
If cheats are enabled in your world, do /seed to find your seed.
Every Minecraft seed is capable of producing dungeons. Seed 19981012 is a known seed that spawns you directly next a dungeon on the surface. Some seeds have more dungeons then others, you will just have to hope that you randomly get a seed that has a lot of dungeons.
An underwater world seed for Minecraft is used to open an underwater world to play the game in.
It is not a seed, it is a world download. Look up dropper world download on google or minecraft forums