Late in the month of November, 2005 Xbox was released. The Pro or Premium (20 GB) cost $399US. The 360 Core cost $299US.
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
Xbox 360 arcade =256mb Xbox 360 premium =60gb =60,000mb Xbox 360 elite =120gb=120,000mb
The price of an Xbox 360 depends on the condition of it. A new Xbox could go for upwards of $300. A used or refurbished Xbox is a lot less. They could cost about $100.
That depends on if you buy it as a deal package, if you do, the price of kinect/the xbox is reduced due to the deal.
the premium package, more expensive one, comes with all the cables, the "xbox", a 12gb hard drive, and a wired headset.
When a upgraded Xbox 360 comes out, you need to buy it at the full detail price. There is no upgrade package on the Xbox 360.
Xbox 360 Premium Systems are not widely available. On Ebay, one may be purchased new for $129.99. On Amazon, a new Xbox 360 Premium System is $400. It would be more cost effective to buy a refurbished Xbox 360 through Amazon or Game Stop.
The retail/list price for Need for Speed: Undercover is $39.99 for PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii consoles. For the PC, it looks like the retail/list is only $325.99
their is no such thing as xbox premium. its called a gold membership. and yes that does give you xbox live for 50$ a year
$200-$300 and it depends on how many gigs it has the more the higher the price is and is it a bundle or spacial edition.Full Retail price: for 4 GB console 199.99An Xbox 360 console has a varying price. This ranges from $350-$500 (Australian dollars) It depends on what games you would like to get, whether you want to get Kinect bundle or with more controllers.$200-$400 Depending on what type you get. (Prices may vary)
A wireless adapter is not included in the standard xbox package.
Late in the month of November, 2005 Xbox was released. The Pro or Premium (20 GB) cost $399US. The 360 Core cost $299US.
In the USA the Retail Price for Both the PS3 120 GB model and the Xbox 360 elite is $299.99, the PS3 250 GB is $50 more when it is in stock.
Xbox premium does not exist. You have Xbox silver or Xbox gold. The gold allows you to go online. Silver allows you to view content on marketplace and thats about it.
It depends on the product, the manufacturer and the demand for the product. A Manufacturer establishes the Suggested Retail Price (MSRP); however, the retail price is set by each individual retail outlet. Generally speaking, you would expect the retail price to be lower than MSRP, especially if the item is advertised "on sale". However, there are times when the manufacturer might put pressure on the retailers to sell the product at MSRP (no discount and no premium); and in that case, MSRP is equal to, or the same as the retail price. This is typical of game boxes such as Nintendo or Xbox. Also, there are times when demand is greater than supply and retailers will sell the product above MSRP. This sometimes happens with a new model vehicle like the first year(s) of the Mazda Miata or the new Mini Cooper.