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The code is different for every monster owner. You should head over to the volcano, and speak to the gatekeeper, to find out more about how to complete the Super Moshi Mission.

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Q: What is the rent building code in Moshi monsters?
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Can you live in the rent house on moshi monsters?

No, the building for rent is not available for housing in Moshi Monsters. Only members can get in to enter the Super Moshi secret code.

What is the code for the to rent place moshi monsters?

Several different codes are used for the rent building in the Super Moshi Mission. You need to figure out your own code.

How do you get the translator page for moshi monsters?

If you are asking about the secret code translator for Super Moshi Mission 1, it is located in the "For Rent" building.

How do you get rent in Moshi Monsters?

You can't rent out your room on Moshi Monsters.

What is the secret code on moshi monsters in the rent building?

all the codes are different and can only be used once I have no idea how you get it but I am sure that you have to get your own one

How do you rent the for rent house on Moshi Monsters?

You can not rent the "For Rent" house on Moshi Monsters. The house is used as part of a Super Moshi Mission.

What is the super moshi code on moshi mosters?

You have to be a paid Moshi Member to become a Super Moshi on Moshi Monsters. You have to figure out the code in the Room for Rent for yourself as it is different for everyone.

Where can you find the list of letters for the super moshi mission on moshi monsters?

In the for rent building on sludge street Add me kenco1999

Where is the buliding for rent in moshi monsters?

The building for rent is on the right side of Sludge Street. Please add me, my name is: moshicutie55555

How do you get the sheet in to the rent on moshi monsters with all the alphabet and the code under?

in the rent place on sludge street the answer is dog.

What is the code for the volcano on Moshi Monsters?

There is no code for the volcano on moshi monsters. You have to be a member to access the Volcano. If you are asking about the code for the Super Moshi Mission, it is different for each member so you will need to go to the house for rent and pick up the pieces of paper and figure out your code.

What is the secret code translator on Moshi Monsters?

The Secret Code Translator is a list needed for Super Moshi Mission 1 to translate the code you find. You find the translator in the 'shop for rent' building.