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its the code you get when you buy the game in a store instead of buying it online

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Q: What is the redeem code needed for barnacle bay on sims 3?
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You bought sims 3 and got a free simpoints card It says you have to redeem it online I made an account and I couldn't find a serial code Where on the simpoint card do I find the serial code?

Well if you look on the back of thee sims 3 manual,that is your serial code AND redeem code.YOU MAY RECIEVE 1000 SIMPOINTS.sorry caps. Answer 2: You do not get the Simpoints card. You need to join and redeem your 1000 points by registering your game.

Is sims 3 barnacle bay an expansion pack?

Technically No, You can get it as a Sims 3 Store Package or As a box in a store.

I have lost my sims 3 CD but I still have the code. Is there any way of installing without the disc?

If your on windows you can get EA's Origin client. When signed in choose the gear and redeem the game and download it. If you registered your game you do not need to click the gear and redeem your code.

Can you have kids on Sims 3 barnacal bay?

Barnacle Bay is not an expansion pack or separate game. It is a neighbourhood which you can download as an addition to your Sims 3 game. Therefore, you can do everything which can be done on The Sims 3, meaning that yes, you can have children.

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A hell of a PC is needed for The Sims 3!

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I downloaded the Sims 2 Bon Voyage off the Sims website but now I have to register it online but I don't have a registration code How do I get the code?

If you ordered this from the website, you should be able to contact them about the code needed - If you got it from Direct2Drive or some other site you will have to contact them. See related links:

What is a serial code in Sims 3?

A serial code in The Sims 3 is what you require to install the game which means no serial code is equal to no Sims 3 on your computer.

What is the expansion pack for Sims 3?

There are many expansion packs for the Sims 3. So far, there is The Sims 3 Late Night, World Adventures, Ambitions, High-end Lot Stuff, Fast lane stuff, Generations, Barnacle Bay, and unleashed.

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No, there is no cheat code for skills on The Sims 3.

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