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jbuthe code to install the sims 2 ?

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Q: The code to install the sims 2?
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Can you play sims 2 pets without the sims 2 disk 4?

if you have The Sims 2 and The sims 2 pets, install the sims 2 first and yes you need all four discs and the game case with the code. Then you can install the sims 2 pets and you will also need the manual for the Sims 2 pets or the game case for the code to install the game.

What is the code to install the sims 2 double deluxe?

The code for the game is on the back of the manual. If you do not have the code you cannot install.

Is it possible to install a Sims 2 expansion pack without a disk if you have the code?

no. no.

What are the game that can install sims 2 seasons?

it has to be one of these to install it: sims 2 deluxe, sims 2 double deluxe, sims 2 holiday, and the sims 2.

Do you have to have a serial code for the Sims 3?

Yes, you must have a serial code to install the Sims 3.

The code to install the Sims 3?

The code is on the back of your manual.

Do you need Sims 2 in order to play Sims 2 seasons?

yes you need to install sims 2 before you install sims seasons

How can you install sims 2 seasons without sims 2?

You can't, you must have The Sims 2 or The Sims 2 Deluxe etc. to install any expansion packs.

How can you install sims 3 without a code?

You can't. You need a serial key for The Sims 3 in order to install it.

What is a serial code in Sims 3?

A serial code in The Sims 3 is what you require to install the game which means no serial code is equal to no Sims 3 on your computer.

You forgot the password to install the sims 2 pets for computer?

what the install password of the sims 2

You cannot find the sims 2 double deluxe code?

(Do you mean the code to install??) If so, it should be on the back of the instruction booklet