Ahhh, that? You remember the party on which you travelled to Shipwreck Island? Its the Beacon you built there! If you didn't do this, other penguins did, and you can see there work from the telescope.
Use your rench to fix the telescope
rockhoppers ships in the telescope at the beacon on club penguin and on March 5th he will be at the beach
you have to die
The red dot on the telescope is actually another lighthouse
Try looking in full servers. There the best placesYou wait and look through the telescope
you can find the telescope on cp at the beacon which is on top of the light house.
light house
You find the telescope on the Beacon. You look through it if Rockhopper is coming... or leaving...
You grab your phone and click on the red blinking light then grab the screw thing and bring it to the telescope.
On the beacon.
As of recently it is impossible to move the telescope.
in the beacon by the telescope
click the x button in the top right hand corner
Log off and try again.
Mainly the red coloured penguin Rockhopper!
Use your rench to fix the telescope
The wrench in your spy phone...