

Best Answer

some animals need to migrate because of weather conditions or food problems

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Moshe Kunze

Lvl 10
3y ago
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Q: What is the reason for migrating?
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It is migrating.

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you cant get it without migrating.

What does migrating?


Is the North Pole a migrating place?

yes, the north pole is a migrating place

What does migrating mean?


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no they not,i,m always migrating and that never happened to me

What does the migrating mean?

the process or act of migrating. a migratory movement: preparations for the migration. a number or body of persons or animals migrating together. Chemistry . a movement or change of position of atoms within a molecule.

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you can get mew and mewtwo by migrating it from Pokemon fire/green

What does the word migrating mean?

the process or act of migrating. a migratory movement: preparations for the migration. a number or body of persons or animals migrating together. Chemistry . a movement or change of position of atoms within a molecule.

How can you get in pal park without migrating Pokemon?

oh yes you can, i think because my brother caught an absol without migrating them