well, first u go to al kharid and go to the shantay pass and u talk to the guy there. You say ur an outlaw and say u want to kill him and he'll put u in the jail there and he gives u a choice to get shipped to port sarim or pay him(5 gp). (this is perfect if ur doing dragon slayer and u want to get the map from the goblin guy). Anyways, so u get shipped there and ur in a jail in port sarim. Pick at the lock on the jail door a few times and 'BINGO', ur at port sarim! So u go out of the jail and ya...ur in port sarim.
It is fairly difficult to get to Port Tyras, considering the limited options and quest requirements needed to get there. After the completion of the Regicide quest, the fastest way of getting to Port Tyras is by chartering a ship form Port Sarim at a cost of 3,200 gold pieces.
The Port Sarim jail cell has a pickable lock (assuming that you mean the one you can be sent to- not the one that one can merely walk into). You'll have to wait a bit while your character attempts to open it, but it will eventually open.
Falador South, on the way to Draynor Via Falador. Port Phasmatys Harmony Island Catherby North, north of bank. Ardougne North
There is no way to delete a Runescape Character, it always remains on their system.
It is fairly difficult to get to Port Tyras, considering the limited options and quest requirements needed to get there. After the completion of the Regicide quest, the fastest way of getting to Port Tyras is by chartering a ship form Port Sarim at a cost of 3,200 gold pieces.
The Port Sarim jail cell has a pickable lock (assuming that you mean the one you can be sent to- not the one that one can merely walk into). You'll have to wait a bit while your character attempts to open it, but it will eventually open.
Pest Control.
In the ice caves between Mudskipper Point and Port Sarim. There is a trap door there. It is very easy to get lost in the caves, so remember to bring good food, and also the way you came so you don't have to teleport!
Attack Lesser Demons.
You can use a camelot teleport and walk south-east and you will arrive in Catherby. This is the fastest way I know of.
The quickest way is to use the Monkey madness agility course, It should take about 3 weeks to 6 weeks.
Getting your woodcutting level to 60 and cutting yews.
There is no way to be put in jail on RuneScape, however, you can be put in a jail-like cage if you steel from stalls and other things often in ardougne and a tramp will throw rotten tomatos at you...it is quite funny. ACTUALLY THERE IS A WAY to get put in jail on runescape, and the only way to get out is to pick the lock or home teleport (freeplayers MUST home teleport or other teleports.) first go to shantay pass south of Al Kharid and tell Shantay you're an outlaw. he will put you in a cage tell him you want to go to port sarim maximum security jail. you'll end up there with no othere way out
For members go to fish guild with lobbies. For nonmems go fish at barb villy and bank in edgy.
Teak logs. Mail me for more info, I'm not aloud to dispatch it. It can make 1mill per hour so yeah.
the quickest way is to go to the wildy and go deep down and fight everyone.Together the money will be 10 mill+.So i reccomand you to really do this.