Go to a random enemy and attack him once. then walk away, by the time you get back you WILL be dead. unless your a lvl 120 and are attacking a lvl 1.
Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
Trust me, there isn't a way other then to stay in the chao garden.
There is no cheat for infinite z-tokens for Adventure Quest. The only way you can get z-tokens is from killing monsters, ballyhoo, taking surveys/offers or buying.
The real way is to get 7,500 Z-Tokens and then buy it from the Z-Token Item Shop. There are no cheats for Adventure Quest. You are right to want this armor, it is incredible, and I want it too.
Like most quests, you require a certain level before you can take a different quest. This way, you have a better chance at being able to complete the quest.
keep battling high level monster and keep doing quest that give you a lot on xp
Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
yes there is a way
no way in hell
Buy it.
to swim like you are about to die
eastern passage
find a way
Trust me, there isn't a way other then to stay in the chao garden.
You play the game forever.
In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, it seems that the quickest way will be to just quest and do random dungeons plus your regular dailies. Not only will this give you a lot of XP but a bunch of gold to go with it.
There is no cheat for infinite z-tokens for Adventure Quest. The only way you can get z-tokens is from killing monsters, ballyhoo, taking surveys/offers or buying.