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Like most quests, you require a certain level before you can take a different quest. This way, you have a better chance at being able to complete the quest.

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Q: How do you get past level 3 in assassin in adventure quest?
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You cannot go past rank 10 in ANY of the classes, but when you reach level 10 in warrior class and level 10 in healers class you can become a paladin, just go to artix in the inn inside of sword haven, becoming a paladin will unlock his shop, and there will be enhancements for paladin class.

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There are no Swimming points, xD that's a lie, just go the zone past that part.

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First do the knights quest to get past the gates and then do artix's to go in the castle and then do THE GIRLS QUEST t to get through the throne ROOM AND TALK TO KING ALTEON AND THEN YOU'LL SEE A MASSIVE CUT SCENE BYE :D

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If your talking about that moat that says you need a certain swimming lvl its just a joke (for now) basically you can't get past it cause there still working on whats on the other side.

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The past tense is adventured.

Why was adventure quest created?

The game, Adventure Quest, created by Artix Entertainment, was originally created for people who wanted to play an online game that was free, and could be played for many months of fun. Eventually, and very quickly, word got uot about Adventure Quest being a Role Playing Game (RPG) and more people started playing it. The original goal, when the game was created, was to reach, I believe, 1000 total players. Today, there are well over 5000 people who play Adventure Quest. From what I've been told, All the other Adventure Quest games came directly from Adventure Quest. For example, Dragonfable is Adventure Quest, except more in the past. Mech Quest is Dragonfable, except in the future (Adventure Quest in the future) and finally Epic Duel is the only new game expansion that does not hold any ties with the Adventure Quest RPG base. How ever, Artix Entertainment is always expanding with new game items, weapons, armours, that the game cannot really have an origin. AQ has it's origin because the story has been spread from player to play across the world. This is because the creators didn't think that anyone would really care. Now that AQ has spread to atleast 25,000 minds, many people have bought the upgrades for the game. This is how the game started to build quicker. With the donations from people who wanted upgrades, Artix Entertainment could very simply use the money towards expanding. Today they have at least 6 games without counting their mini-games site.