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The phrase is "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL", then you will be able to activate the mystery gift (:

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Q: What is the questionnaire phrase for Pokemon emerald?
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What will you say in the questionnaire paper in the pokemart in Pokemon Emerald?

When I fill out that quesionaire in Pokemon Emerald, I said," LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" And then, you can access Mystery Gift.

Mystergift in Pokemon Emerald?

go to market and fill out questionnaire saying: link together with all

What words do you put in the questionnaire in Pokemon emerald?

link together with all

What is the use of the questionnaire in the Pokemon marts in Pokemon emerald?

You Get A Togepi Egg Or Something Else If You TAlk About The Nintendo WiFi and chatting with people.

What is the questionnaire phrase for Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen?

Put "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" you will receive a prize.

How do you get mystery gift in Pokemon emerald if I play the game on computer using VisualBoyAdvance?

There should be a questionnaire at the Pokemart You enter; Link Together With All - and that should activate it

What phrase do you say to the guy in rustboro whos trying to make his daughter laugh in Pokemon emerald?

In the GameBoy Advance game Pokemon: Emerald, there is a side quest in which you must offer a funny phrase to a man in Rastoboro City. There is no actual phrase. You can, however enter a generated code that is based on your Trainer ID and the reward that you want.

What is the phrase you say to the sick person on Pokemon emerald?

The phrase varies from game to game. There is a generator on this site ( and that will generate your Trainer Card ID # into your saying.

What are the questionaires for in Pokemon emerald?

Go to the pokemart and then fill in the questionnaire with 'link together with all' and the guy in the mart will say'oh..u noe those words' and unlocks the mystery gift for u!

How do you fill out the Pokemon Emerald questionnaire?

You can go to any Pokemart and on the desk there will be a paper. Just walk towards it and press A. P.S. If you want Mystery Gift write: "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL"

Where is the emerald in pkemon emerald?

its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.

Where is the trendy phrase in pokemon emerald?

Well actually its really cool. It can be whatever you want and then everyone in the town is saying it!