Onix does not have a pre-evolution. It does, however, have an evolution - Steelix, which you can evolve it into by trading it while holding a Metal Coat.
Onix does not have a pre-evolution form currently as of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and has not been announced for the Pokemon Sun and Moon games.
I'm pretty sure its Barboach. :]
the egg in Pokemon ruby is wynaut, the pre-evolved form of wobuffet
No, Gyarados does not have any evolved forms. It does however have the pre-evolution Magikarp. It would be interesting to see an evolved form of gyarados though...
No there are no Pokemon that can evolve into Rayquaza since it is a Legendary Pokemon and doesn't have a pre-evolved form.
The is no pre-evolution of onixOnix is a stage 1 pokemon
No, Steelix is the evolved and final form of Onix
Combusken and his pre evolved version is torchic
whynot is thepre evolved form
The evolved form of Houndour is Houndoom. It is a fire/dark type just like its pre-evolved form.
Pinsir has no pre-evolutions or evolutions.
Chingling :)
Ursaring is the evolved form of Teddiursa.
Onix does not have a pre-evolution form currently as of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and has not been announced for the Pokemon Sun and Moon games.
Onix can be evolved by placing metal coat on it and trading it with a friend. It will evolve into a Steelix.