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I'm pretty sure its Barboach. :]

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Q: What is the pre-evolved form of Wishcash?
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As far I know, there is no preevolved form of Growlithe. I think you must be mistaking it with Arcanine because Growlithe is the Arcanine's preevoled form and Growlithe only evolves if it is exposed to the Fire Stone.

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I believe its the female Pokemon's preevolved form if your breeding something with ditto it will be the other Pokemon not ditto.

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When does a wishcash envole?

Whiscash does not evolve.

Where do you get wishcash?

use a super rod in a cave

Pokémon egg hatch?

After a certain amount of steps a Pokemon egg will hatch what will be inside will usually be the preevolved form of a Pokemon. For example if you were breeding raichu and ditto you will receive pichu from the egg.

What level does wiscash learn fissure?

I dont think it does because I have a level 100 wishcash (no cheat) and it never learnd it. I got wishcash as a level 9 barboach.

Does whishcash evolve?

sorry to say this but wishcash does no evliove

Where to find wishcash Pokemon Diamond?

in spere pillar