Call of Duty 4: Deep Impact
Call of Duty World at War: Deep Impact
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: FMJ gun attachment
Call of Duty Black Ops: Hardened
call of duty 2
Call Of Duty by far
call of duty!
Call of duty modern warfare 2 is better than socom because with modern warfare 2 you have better weapons and you run faster on the game. I agree it is way better!
You should use a m16 because its better.
A bullet penetration kill is when you kill someone through a surface such as , a wall,or metal. (Note: The only way of accomplishing this is if you have FMJ or Full Metal jackets on) Have a Great day,Night,afternoon,or whatever
The FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) attachment will increase your bullets penetration capabilities. As for what perk increases bullet damage, it is the "Stopping Power" perk.
When a bullet hits a bee, you call it a biscuit bullet.
Complete the "How The... " challenge by killing someone with an explosive that you shot using bullet penetration. You must be a certain level to unlock this.
kill someone though an objectif ur trying to do it with fmj u need fmj attached and kill thorugh an object its real long to do to get extended mags : ( either bling ur gun or deal with iron sites with fmj
The Ballot or The Bullet ~
He was faster then a buck running from a bullet
It is called 'shinkansen.'
Right now, I'm using the AUG in multiplayer because it's got a great rate of fire and bullet penetration. (a few rounds shot into two people side-by-side) But you can choose any gun you want.
Since he was born in Baltimore, the people there call him the Baltimore Bullet I think.