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Q: What is the password for the strongbox in kotor?
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Do you need kotor 1 to run kotor 2?

No you don't need KotOR I to run KotOR II.

What is Kotor's population?

The population of Kotor is 5,341.

Who invented the strongbox?

Henry Brown

What do you call a medieval strongbox?

That would be an ARCA

Who invented the first strongbox?

Henry Brown

Why won't kotor 1 and kotor 2 work on my PC?

you have got vista and kotor dosent work for vista hope this helped

When was Kotor created?

KOTOR, or Knights of the Old Republic, was created in 2003.

What are the ratings and certificates for Seinfeld - 1989 The Strongbox 9-14?

Seinfeld - 1989 The Strongbox 9-14 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG (video rating)

Are they making a kotor 3?

No, Bioware cancelled KOTOR 3 to make Old Republic which will resolve all loose ends from the KOTOR series.

What is the area of Kotor Varoš?

The area of Kotor Varoš is 560 square kilometers.

When did Gulf of Kotor Mutiny happen?

Gulf of Kotor Mutiny happened in 1918.

Is kotor 3 comin out foe the 360?

I doubt there is gonna be a KOTOR III