I don't think there is a DS game with a starter Pokemon squirtle, but you can get one by either going to the GTS (global trading station) and finding one, or just put a GBA game into the GBA slot at the bottom of the DS.
You cannot get Mewtwo as a starter Pokemon. The only starter Pokemon available are Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. There is no other way to get another starter Pokemon. Mewtwo can only be obtained at the end of the game.
Squirtle is not available in Pokemon Crystal. Squirtle can only be found in Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow. Squirtle can be traded to Crystal from those titles.
You can only get Squirtle in LGFR.
Simply you can't.Since you've start the game and you've choose a starter Pokemon you can only start a new game or trade with your friends. www.pokemaniacs.forumotion.net
Only by trading a Squirtle to HeartGold.
You cannot get Mewtwo as a starter Pokemon. The only starter Pokemon available are Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. There is no other way to get another starter Pokemon. Mewtwo can only be obtained at the end of the game.
No, it is only possible if either you start with a squirtle and trade a bulbasaur over to your game from another new game.
You can only obtain squirtle as your starter pokemon( your first pokemon) or through trade.
only if you had a gameshark or if it was your starter
only ur rival if ur starter Pokemon was a squirtle
no you only get the one of three starter Pokemon
You can only get Raikou if your starter Pokemon was squirtle. If it was your starter Pokemon then you'll have to search around the regular region, he's not in the islands. He's just around in the grass somewhere and he changes areas whenever you do. If your starter Pokemon wasn't squirtle... well, good luck with trading for him.
U can only get squirtle by transferring from a previous game or trading at gts.
Have it as a starter Pokemon and then trade it to a game.
If you choose a certain starter you also choose the difficulty of the game Bulbusaur=Easy, Squirtle=Medium, Charmander=Hard and not only that put you choose which legendary dog you catch Bulbusaur=Entei, Squirtle=Raikou, Charmander=Suicune.
only by trading them with your friend. For example start with bulbasaur, get your friend to start with charmander or squirtle, get him/her to trade it over, then restart the game and start whatever Pokemon you need last
You can only get it as your starter Pokemon at leaf green or fire red; you can also get it by trading to someone.