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"Aging off" or (on)

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Q: What is the non aging code for sims 2?
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How come Sims will not age on Sims 2 PC?

Turn on aging in the options menu.

Is there a code on sims 2 PC for a sim to never get older?

Yes there is. It is ctrl shift c than type in aging on/off but if you put the aging off it's on every sim not on just one sim

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How do you have sextuplits on the sims 2?

The only way to have sextuplets on the sims 2 is to use the cheat aging off, then make your sims have 6 babies one after the other, none of them will get any older, so when you have the six, and type aging on, it will be as if they were born at the same time.

Can you turn off aging for one person in sims 2?

No not as far as i know.

How do you turn the aging off in sims?

In The Sims games, it is not possible to turn aging off completely. However, you can use cheats or gameplay options to slow down the aging process or prevent Sims from aging up. This can vary depending on the specific game version you are playing.

Help me find a new Sims 2 University code?

google "sims 2 university code"

When you turn aging off on sims 2 double deluxe does it turn off the whole familys aging?

Yes, when you use the aging off cheat the entire family's aging will be turned off.

What is The sims 2 cheat code for teens?

you can press Ctrl and shift then type in "aging off" and it will stop them growing in to an adult just type in "agging on" to let them grow again

How do you turn of the aging on the sims 2 double deluxe?

Ctrl+Shirt+C. A small white bar should appear on the top of your screen. Type in "aging off". Your Sims will no longer age. When you wish to have them age again, repeat, but type in "aging on".

Can your sims get old and die in sims 2 university?

Yes, your sims can get old and die in TheSims2 University just like on all the other ones. To turn aging on you can press: ctrl,shift,c at the same time to pull up the cheat menu and then type in: aging on To turn aging off do the same except type in: aging off Simple! ;)

In the Sims 2 can your sims have babies with aging off and if so do they advance normally through baby years to a toddler or do you have to have aging on for them to progress?

You must have the aging cheat turned off to have a baby that ages properly because the ageing cheat affects everyone in the household.