Latios is #381 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dragon-Psychic type Pokemon.
Latios's Number ID in the national pokedex is 384. He is found in Pokemon emerald, rubr and sapphire. He is constantly moving when you change routes or go into cities and buildings. He will flee immediatly.
Croconaw is number 159 in the National Pokedex.
Eevee's number in the national Pokedex is #133. If you don't know what the Pokemon's number is then go to It is a great site to find Pokemon's number!!
Lucario's pokedex number in the National Pokedex is 448.
Bulbasaur is number 1 in the national Pokedex.
In Hoenn's pokedex, Latios is number 197 In National pokedex, Umbreon is 197
Latios's Number ID in the national pokedex is 384. He is found in Pokemon emerald, rubr and sapphire. He is constantly moving when you change routes or go into cities and buildings. He will flee immediatly.
#197- Latios - you can find it after you beat the elite four.
In the National Pokedex Muchlax is number 446.446
Growlithe is number 58 on the national pokedex.
Gyarados is #130 in the National Pokedex.
Croconaw is number 159 in the National Pokedex.
Eevee's number in the national Pokedex is #133. If you don't know what the Pokemon's number is then go to It is a great site to find Pokemon's number!!
Sceptile is number 3 in the Hoenn Pokedex and number 254 in the National Pokedex.
It's number 197 in the National Pokedex.
Shaymin is number 492 in the National Pokedex.
Skarmory's Pokemon number in the National Pokedex is 227. Hope that help ^-^