Arcanine is #59 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire type Pokemon.
Because Arcanine is a legendary Pokemon. Check Arcanine's pokedex entries.
Croconaw is number 159 in the National Pokedex.
Eevee's number in the national Pokedex is #133. If you don't know what the Pokemon's number is then go to It is a great site to find Pokemon's number!!
Lucario's pokedex number in the National Pokedex is 448.
Bulbasaur is number 1 in the national Pokedex.
In the national pokedex it's Arcanine. In the sinnoh dex it's Cherrim.
Because Arcanine is a legendary Pokemon. Check Arcanine's pokedex entries.
In the National Pokedex Muchlax is number 446.446
Growlithe is number 58 on the national pokedex.
Gyarados is #130 in the National Pokedex.
Croconaw is number 159 in the National Pokedex.
Eevee's number in the national Pokedex is #133. If you don't know what the Pokemon's number is then go to It is a great site to find Pokemon's number!!
Sceptile is number 3 in the Hoenn Pokedex and number 254 in the National Pokedex.
Yes, but when you look at arcanine's stats it will have some question marks. Like: Pokedex Number:???
It's number 197 in the National Pokedex.
Shaymin is number 492 in the National Pokedex.
Skarmory's Pokemon number in the National Pokedex is 227. Hope that help ^-^