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Your question is too broad for anyone to answer it with certainty. I suggest narrowing your question, by giving the title of the video game.

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Q: What is the name of the video game character wearing a blue mask?
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Is sonic really a heagehog?

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Nero from Devil May Cry 4, from the top of my head.

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Blue Ice - video game - was created in 1995.

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no there is not a video game with a character creator. Will may have it, but what i now f no.

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BMO is a blue video game console/computer on the Cartoon Network show Adventure Time.

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PACMAN was the best early video game if you look at it from a historical perspective.

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I use maths basically to just hack a video game, but in a video game, it is for calculating the time taken for the character to move, and the character stat. But basically, it is for the character's movements.

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