It must have the factions plugin. The command it /f create name
/createwarp name Server most have mywarp plugin. (You also must have the permission to)
First you install bukket, then drag the plugin into the Plugin Folder
Its a server plugin called mob disguise.
You'll need a plugin to do so.
It must have the factions plugin. The command it /f create name
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Place the plugin into the plugin folder and restart the server.
if you mean a normal server it does not need a plugin. just add yourself to op using the console with this command: op name name being your minecraft name. if it is a bukkit server go to the bukkit plugin list and look for essentials it is the most popular and easiest to use group of commands that has group manager (Group manager is a plugin that is used to make groups like admin/owner/regular/moderator/guest using permissions).
/createwarp name Server most have mywarp plugin. (You also must have the permission to)
First you install bukket, then drag the plugin into the Plugin Folder
You will need to the faction plugin for bukkit once running then do in the chat /f create {name of faction here}