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First you install bukket, then drag the plugin into the Plugin Folder

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Q: What do you need to run plugins on a minecraft server?
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How do you download mob disguise on minecraft i still dont understand can you make a server for me then give me the server address please?

It's pretty easy. You're gonna need a Minecraft BUKKIT Server, just search 'Bukkit' in your browser. Once it's all set up, go into your server folder then go into the 'Plugins' folder. Which is obviously MobDisguise, then drag the ZIP into your 'Plugins' folder. Now run your server and enjoy!

Does it cost to run a Minecraft server?

It does if you buy one from a company, but it doesn't if you set up one yourself. Go to the site in the related links for information on setting up a server yourself. Also, a little tip, you can only install plugins on your Minecraft server if you're running a Bukkit server.

Is it free to run a Minecraft classic server?

You do not need to own Minecraft to host servers for it.

Is Minecraft going to run on a better server?

its not run on a "server" multiplayer is but you download minecraft and it runs on your system.

Does Minecraft charge for a multiplayer server?

Minecraft does not charge you to run a server for the game. You will, however, have to posses a computer to be the server. Otherwise you will have to rent a server to run for you, which costs money.

How do you make a server on Minecraft on a mac?

To run a Minecraft Server you will need to download the server software (See links below) and then enter the command... java -cp minecraft-server.jar com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer ...into the Terminal. The Read Me file that comes with the Server download explains how to configure the server to your particular needs.

How much is a Minecraft server?

It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.

How do you run a server on Minecraft?

On the Minecraft download page, you can download a Vanilla (standard) Minecraft server for Windows, Mac, and (I think) Linux.

How many servers can you have on one account on minecraft?

You do not need a Minecraft account to set up a server, so unlimited. However most computers can only run one server at a time

How much money is a Minecraft server?

It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.

Need help opening minecraft server jar on mac?

You need to have java 6 or later installed on your mac for a minecraft server jar to open correctly. If this doesn't work you can use a terminal command to run the jar.

How many player slots can a 6GB ram minecraft server handle?

You should be able to run ~100 players, depending on your upload speed, processor clock speed, etc. I would recommend around 72, if you run alot of plugins. - xDrapor