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I believe the Pokemon would be Rayquaza.

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Q: What is the name of the green dragon-like legendary Pokemon in SoulSilver?
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What Pokemon games have the legendary Pokemon mew 2?

pokemon fire red, leaf green, ocean blue, soulsilver, heartgold,emarald,platnuim,dimand, and pearl. hope it helped :)

How do you get the green postman in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you have to get a mystery gift to get a green postman on soul silver

Is there a legendary Pokemon in mt moon in leaf green?

No, there is not.

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You can´t, you can only get them in Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Leaf Green.

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there is no Pokemon green leaf and Pokemon leaf green you can't only diamond pearl platinum heartgold soulsilver and maybe black and white

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same as in leaf green or fire red. in pallet town.

How do you get ryquaza in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In SoulSilver Version, Rayquaza can only be encountered in the Embedded Tower after you trade Kyogre to the game and show both Pokemon to Professor Oak in Pallet Town, he will give you the Green Orb.

Why is the man on the third island digging for gold on leaf green?

to find a legendary Pokemon

How do you get the legendary birds in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you have to take it from Pokemon fire red or leaf green...they are not actually in the storyline for Pokemon diamond and pearl

What are the rare nonlegendary Pokemon in Pokemon Blue?

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How do you get the winner's path route in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you have to get the mystery gift on wifi and then talk to the green guy in the pokemart