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Q: What is the name of pikachu's owner from Pokemon?
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Related questions

What is Pikachu's owner called?

Pikachus owner is called Ash Ketchum

Where are Pikachus in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Viridian Forest

How many girl pikachus can you get in Pokemon sapphire?

As many as you can get

Where are Pikachus in Pokemon tower defense?

They are in veridian forest 2. Usually one random wave of pikachus go during that level.

Where are Pikachus in Pokemon Pearl?

Trophy Garden. You can also get Pichu there.

Can Santa Claus make Pikachus?

Yes, Santa can make Pikachus, and all the other kinds of Pokemon. Also, he sometimes gets donations from the Pokemon factory because they like to make kids happy too.

You are trying to get the Pikachu that knows surf and fly on the Pokewalker course yellow forest but you keep getting Group C Pokemon how do you acquire Group A Pokemon?

To acquire Group A Pokemon in the Yellow Forest route (which in this case, are the Pikachus that can Surf or Fly) you have to walk 9500+ steps to be able to encounter pikachus that can surf and you have to walk 10,000+ steps to be able to encounter pikachus that can fly.

Can you neuter a Pikachu?

no, because male Pikachus' (in fact all Pokemon) do not exist

To which Pokemon is light ball used?

Pikachus are meant to hold light balls

What is a perfect Pokemon diamond team?

6 pikachus, all level 1 =]

How do you get a light ball on Pokemon pearl?

wild pikachus might be holding it when you catch them

What are Pikachus powers?

His powers are thunderbolt and thundershock but in Pokemon stadium he has quick attack to