Binding of Isaac is a great game if you like a small shooter sort of or if you like watching Cupquake play it.
An aucuba is any of a variety of decorative evergreen shrubs of the genus Aucuba.
A bhajee is another term for a bhaji - any of a variety of Indian dishes of fried vegetables.
A berdache is a person in Native American culture who identifies with any of a variety of gender identities which are not exclusively those of their biological sex.
A bluestem is any of a variety of grasses which are adapted for high light levels, including the little bluestem, the big bluestem, and the cane bluestem.
A barklouse is another name for a booklouse - any of a variety of small insects who feed on bookbindings, belonging to the order Psocoptera.
An American mink is any of a variety of small mink which lives near water, Latin name Mustela vison.
The term "brit" usually referrs to youngling herrings and related sub-species, while also a being a common descripton of any kind of young/small fish.
An asity is any of a variety of small passerine birds of the family Philepittidae.
Although Antarctica does not have any trees or bushes, it does have a small variety of lichens (small, low-lying shrubs).
I'm not sure, but I know that the name of it, when capitalized, is also a name of an expensive car. The name for it is also five letters long. Sorry I couldn't help you any more, but I hope this helps at least a little bit. LEXUS!
Tuna is the name of a variety of Fish. Names not have any synonyms This website a huge variety of places and small side trips on the way. They offer a large variety of food and great comfort on the boat.
There are a number of conditions that can be contracted by eating feces. A short list:E-coliStrep (any variety of the forms)Staph (any variety of the forms)choleraAmoebaic DysenteryGiardiaHepatitisHookwormMeaslesPinwormPolioRoundwormTyphoid feverTapewormTrichina worm
Melon is any variety of Cucumis melo.They are membersof the Gourd family, Cucurbitaceae.
It is a name for any of a variety of cakes made using a cake ring.
An arnut is a Scottish name for the earthnut, any of a variety of roots, tubers, or pods which grow underground.