An aucuba is any of a variety of decorative evergreen shrubs of the genus Aucuba.
3-letter wordsauk4-letter wordsauks, auld, aunt, aura, auto5-letter wordsaudad, audio, audit, auger, aught, augur, aulic, aunts, aunty, aurae, aural, aurar, auras, aurei, aures, auric, auris, aurum, autos, auxin6-letter wordsaubade, auburn, aucuba, audads, audile, auding, audios, audits, augend, augers, aughts, augite, augurs, augury, august, auklet, aulder, auntie, auntly, aurate, aureus, aurist, aurora, aurous, aurums, auspex, ausubo, auteur, author, autism, autoed, autumn, auxins7-letter wordsaubades, auberge, auburns, auction, aucubas, audible, audibly, audient, audiles, audings, audited, auditor, augends, augites, augitic, augment, augural, augured, augurer, auklets, auldest, aunties, aurally, aurated, aureate, aureola, aureole, auricle, aurists, aurochs, aurorae, auroral, auroras, ausform, auspice, austere, austral, ausubos, autarky, auteurs, authors, autisms, autobus, autoing, automan, automen, autopsy, autumns, auxeses, auxesis, auxetic, auxinic8-letter wordsauberges, aubretia, aubrieta, auctions, audacity, audibles, audience, audients, auditing, audition, auditive, auditors, auditory, augments, augurers, auguries, auguring, auguster, augustly, aunthood, auntlier, auntlike, aureolae, aureolas, aureoled, aureoles, auricled, auricles, auricula, auriform, aurorean, ausforms, auspices, austerer, australs, autacoid, autarchy, autarkic, autecism, authored, autistic, autobahn, autocade, autocoid, autocrat, autodyne, autogamy, autogeny, autogiro, autogyro, autolyze, automata, automate, autonomy, autopsic, autosome, autotomy, autotype, autotypy, autumnal, autunite, auxetics9-letter wordsaubergine, aubretias, aubrietas, auctioned, auctorial, audacious, audiences, audiogram, audiology, audiotape, auditable, auditions, auditives, auditoria, augmented, augmenter, augmentor, augustest, aunthoods, auntliest, aureoling, auriculae, auricular, auriculas, aurochses, ausformed, auslander, austenite, austerely, austerest, austerity, australes, autacoids, autarchic, autarkies, autecisms, auteurist, authentic, authoress, authorial, authoring, authorise, authority, authorize, autistics, autobahns, autobuses, autocades, autoclave, autocoids, autocracy, autocrats, autocross, autodynes, autoecism, autogenic, autogiros, autograft, autograph, autogyros, autolysed, autolyses, autolysis, autolytic, autolyzed, autolyzes, automaker, automated, automates, automatic, automaton, autonomic, autopilot, autopsied, autopsies, autoroute, autosomal, autosomes, autotelic, autotroph, autotypes, autunites, auxiliary, auxotroph10-letter wordsaubergines, auctioneer, auctioning, audacities, audibility, audiogenic, audiograms, audiologic, audiometer, audiometry, audiophile, audiotapes, auditioned, auditories, auditorily, auditorium, augmenters, augmenting, augmentors, augustness, auriculate, auriferous, auscultate, ausforming, auslanders, auspicious, austenites, austenitic, autarchies, autarkical, autecology, auteurists, authorised, authorises, authorized, authorizer, authorizes, authorship, autobahnen, autobusses, autochthon, autoclaved, autoclaves, autocratic, autodidact, autoecious, autoecisms, autoerotic, autogamies, autogamous, autogenies, autogenous, autografts, autographs, autography, autoimmune, autologous, autolysate, autolysing, autolyzate, autolyzing, automakers, automatics, automating, automation, automatism, automatist, automatize, automatons, automobile, automotive, autonomies, autonomist, autonomous, autopilots, autopsying, autorotate, autoroutes, autosexing, autostrada, autostrade, autotomies, autotomize, autotomous, autotrophs, autotrophy, autotypies, autoworker, autumnally, auxotrophs, auxotrophy
abasia, abolla, abulia, acacia, acedia, adnexa, aftosa, agenda, aggada, ahimsa, alaska, albata, alexia, alodia, alpaca, althea, alumna, amarna, amoeba, amrita, amusia, anemia, angina, angora, annona, anopia, anoxia, anuria, aphtha, apnoea, aporia, arcana, areola, argala, arista, armada, arnica, arriba, arroba, asrama, asthma, ataxia, atonia, aucuba, aurora, axilla, azalea, bacula, balata, balboa, banana, baryta, beflea, beluga, bemata, bertha, bhakta, bilboa, boccia, bodega, bonita, brahma, bregma, buddha, bugsha, buqsha, bushwa, cabala, cabana, caeoma, calesa, cambia, camera, camisa, cancha, canula, capita, cardia, carina, casaba, casava, casita, cassia, catena, cedula, centra, cesura, chacma, chaeta, chakra, challa, charka, chimla, choana, cholla, chorea, chroma, chukka, chuppa, cicada, cicala, cinema, citola, clivia, cloaca, codeia, concha, contra, coppra, copula, cornea, cornua, corona, coryza, cowpea, crania, crissa, crista, cuesta, cumbia, cupola, cupula, curara, dagoba, dahlia, datcha, datura, deflea, dharma, dharna, dhoora, dhurna, duenna, eczema, egesta, eidola, ejecta, elodea, eluvia, elytra, encina, enigma, entera, epizoa, errata, eupnea, eureka, exacta, exedra, exuvia, facula, fajita, fanega, farina, fascia, favela, fecula, fedora, femora, ferula, fibula, fiesta, flauta, fraena, frusta, fulcra, funkia, fusuma, galena, gambia, geisha, gelada, genera, geneva, glioma, gloria, glossa, goanna, gotcha, gramma, grampa, grappa, guinea, gyttja, halala, halloa, hamada, hawala, hegira, hejira, hernia, hilloa, holloa, hoopla, hryvna, hulloa, hutzpa, hyaena, hydria, iguana, impala, indaba, intima, ischia, jacana, jarina, jejuna, jerboa, jicama, jojoba, judoka, jugula, kabaka, kabala, kabaya, kahuna, kalmia, kamala, kerria, kinara, kinema, kishka, koruna, kwacha, kwanza, labara, lacuna, laguna, lambda, lamina, latina, latria, lexica, ligula, likuta, limina, lingua, lipoma, lithia, lochia, loggia, lorica, lumina, lunula, lustra, macula, maffia, makuta, maltha, manana, manila, mantra, mantua, maraca, marina, markka, masala, maxima, mazuma, medaka, medina, medusa, megara, melena, metepa, mezuza, miasma, mimosa, minima, mizuna, modica, morula, mucosa, muleta, murrha, myopia, myrica, myxoma, nagana, nausea, nebula, nepeta, nomina, novena, numina, nutria, nympha, obelia, ochrea, oedema, omenta, optima, organa, orisha, oscula, osetra, ottava, paella, pagoda, pajama, pakora, palapa, pallia, panada, panama, papaya, papula, parura, pataca, patina, payola, pelota, pennia, pereia, peseta, pesewa, phobia, piazza, picara, pinata, pineta, pirana, piraya, pitaya, plasma, pleura, pneuma, posada, prajna, protea, psylla, purana, pyemia, pyjama, pyrola, pyuria, qabala, quagga, qualia, quanta, quelea, quinoa, quokka, quotha, radula, raffia, ramada, rambla, ramona, ranula, raphia, realia, redowa, regina, remora, remuda, reseda, retina, rhumba, ristra, rostra, rugola, rumina, salina, saliva, salvia, samara, samosa, sancta, sapota, satara, schema, scilla, sclera, scoria, scotia, scrota, semina, seneca, senega, senora, serosa, sharia, sheila, shelta, sherpa, sienna, sierra, siesta, sifaka, silica, sistra, smegma, somata, sonata, spirea, squama, sradha, stadia, stanza, stella, stemma, sterna, stigma, strata, stroma, struma, subsea, sulpha, synura, taenia, taffia, taluka, tantra, tapeta, tarama, tarsia, telega, tephra, terbia, thoria, thulia, torula, trauma, trivia, troika, tundra, tunica, ultima, ungula, urania, uredia, uremia, utopia, vagina, valuta, vesica, vicuna, vimina, vizsla, vomica, womera, yakuza, yantra, yautia, yttria, zanana, zareba, zariba, zenana, zeugma, zinnia, zoaria, zonula, zoysia, zygoma456 words
Aucuba japonica was created in 1783.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Aucuba japonica.
The scientific name for the poisonous plant Spotted laurel is Aucuba japonica. It belongs to the family Garryaceae and the genus Aucuba.
Denis Leclerc has written: 'Detection of potato viruses and identification of the potato aucuba mosaic potexvirus capsid protein gene region involved in coat protein mediated resistance'
plants like-Flowers -example - Roses,Phormiums-Shrubs - example ,- Pyracantha Aucuba,Climbers - example -Crimson glory vineFruit and Vegetables-example-Potatoes,Fruit trees, Apples, Pears and Plums
A/ Abelia Acer Amelanchier Apple trees Arbutus Aucuba Azalea Mollis types (deciduous) - simply dead head the faded flowers before they set seed. Otherwise see Rhododendron pruning. Azalea japonica types (evergreen)
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern A---BA. That is, six letter words with 1st letter A and 5th letter B and 6th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: amoeba arriba arroba aucuba
I don't know its botanical name, but Winterberry is a type of deciduous holly that has red or orange berries, depending on the type. You will need a male Winterberry if you want your female Winterberry to produce berries. The type with orange berries is one of my favorite shrubs for winter interest. They grow well in my USDA zone 8b area.
Azalea, barberry, calliandra, dogwood, enkianthus, forsythia, gaultheria, hydrangea, ixora, June berry, kerria, lantana and medinilla are shrubs. Additional shrubs include nandina, olearia, Potentilla, quisqualis, rhododendron, skimmia, thymus, ulex europaeus, vitis, wisteria, Xanthoceras, yucca and zanthoxylum piperitum.
three (3) letter word: ada. aga. aha. ala. ama. ana. ava. awa. four (4) letter word: abba. acta. agha. alba. alfa. alga. alma. amia. anga. anna. anoa. ansa. anta. aqua. area. aria. asea. atma. aura. five (5) letter word: abaca. abaya. aboma. aceta. adyta. aecia. agama. agita. agora. agria. ajiva. ajuga. akela. aliya. aloha. alpha. alula. ameba. amiga. amnia. anima. antra. aorta. apnea. areca. arepa. aroma. asana. asyla. atria. avena. six (6) letter word: acacia. acedia. adnexa. aftosa. agenda. aggada. ahimsa. alaska. albata. alexia. alodia. alpaca. althea. alumna. amarna. amoeba. amrita. amusia. anemia. angora. annona. anopia. anoxia. anuria. aphtha. apnoea. aporia. arcana. areola. argala. arista. armada. arnica. arriba. asthma. ataxia. atonia. aurora. azalea. aucuba. axilla. aythya. azymia. seven (7) letter word: adenota. algebra. aphasia. atresia. more than seven (7) letter word: aesthesia. ailurophobia. akinesia. anathema. arachnida. asphyxia.
3-letter wordsauk4-letter wordsauks, auld, aunt, aura, auto5-letter wordsaudad, audio, audit, auger, aught, augur, aulic, aunts, aunty, aurae, aural, aurar, auras, aurei, aures, auric, auris, aurum, autos, auxin6-letter wordsaubade, auburn, aucuba, audads, audile, auding, audios, audits, augend, augers, aughts, augite, augurs, augury, august, auklet, aulder, auntie, auntly, aurate, aureus, aurist, aurora, aurous, aurums, auspex, ausubo, auteur, author, autism, autoed, autumn, auxins7-letter wordsaubades, auberge, auburns, auction, aucubas, audible, audibly, audient, audiles, audings, audited, auditor, augends, augites, augitic, augment, augural, augured, augurer, auklets, auldest, aunties, aurally, aurated, aureate, aureola, aureole, auricle, aurists, aurochs, aurorae, auroral, auroras, ausform, auspice, austere, austral, ausubos, autarky, auteurs, authors, autisms, autobus, autoing, automan, automen, autopsy, autumns, auxeses, auxesis, auxetic, auxinic8-letter wordsauberges, aubretia, aubrieta, auctions, audacity, audibles, audience, audients, auditing, audition, auditive, auditors, auditory, augments, augurers, auguries, auguring, auguster, augustly, aunthood, auntlier, auntlike, aureolae, aureolas, aureoled, aureoles, auricled, auricles, auricula, auriform, aurorean, ausforms, auspices, austerer, australs, autacoid, autarchy, autarkic, autecism, authored, autistic, autobahn, autocade, autocoid, autocrat, autodyne, autogamy, autogeny, autogiro, autogyro, autolyze, automata, automate, autonomy, autopsic, autosome, autotomy, autotype, autotypy, autumnal, autunite, auxetics9-letter wordsaubergine, aubretias, aubrietas, auctioned, auctorial, audacious, audiences, audiogram, audiology, audiotape, auditable, auditions, auditives, auditoria, augmented, augmenter, augmentor, augustest, aunthoods, auntliest, aureoling, auriculae, auricular, auriculas, aurochses, ausformed, auslander, austenite, austerely, austerest, austerity, australes, autacoids, autarchic, autarkies, autecisms, auteurist, authentic, authoress, authorial, authoring, authorise, authority, authorize, autistics, autobahns, autobuses, autocades, autoclave, autocoids, autocracy, autocrats, autocross, autodynes, autoecism, autogenic, autogiros, autograft, autograph, autogyros, autolysed, autolyses, autolysis, autolytic, autolyzed, autolyzes, automaker, automated, automates, automatic, automaton, autonomic, autopilot, autopsied, autopsies, autoroute, autosomal, autosomes, autotelic, autotroph, autotypes, autunites, auxiliary, auxotroph10-letter wordsaubergines, auctioneer, auctioning, audacities, audibility, audiogenic, audiograms, audiologic, audiometer, audiometry, audiophile, audiotapes, auditioned, auditories, auditorily, auditorium, augmenters, augmenting, augmentors, augustness, auriculate, auriferous, auscultate, ausforming, auslanders, auspicious, austenites, austenitic, autarchies, autarkical, autecology, auteurists, authorised, authorises, authorized, authorizer, authorizes, authorship, autobahnen, autobusses, autochthon, autoclaved, autoclaves, autocratic, autodidact, autoecious, autoecisms, autoerotic, autogamies, autogamous, autogenies, autogenous, autografts, autographs, autography, autoimmune, autologous, autolysate, autolysing, autolyzate, autolyzing, automakers, automatics, automating, automation, automatism, automatist, automatize, automatons, automobile, automotive, autonomies, autonomist, autonomous, autopilots, autopsying, autorotate, autoroutes, autosexing, autostrada, autostrade, autotomies, autotomize, autotomous, autotrophs, autotrophy, autotypies, autoworker, autumnally, auxotrophs, auxotrophy