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There is no legitimate Yu-Gi-Oh card with 'infinite' for the ATK, however there ara a few fake cards with it.

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Q: What is the name of a Yu-Gi-Oh card with infinity attack points?
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Can you combine two monsters attack points to destroy a monster in yugioh?

You cannot manually. Such an occurence could only result from a card effect.

How many attack points does the most powerful Yugioh card have?

In terms of stats, Dragon Master Knight and Five-Headed Dragon each have 5000 ATK and DEF.

If a question mark is over a cards atk in yugioh what is the atk of that card?

it means that they might have a special effect like the Calculator has a ? in its attack its effect being this card gains attack points equal to the tolal level of all monster on your side of the field x300

How much attack points does the Crimson dragon have?

the crimson dragon isn't a card there is no attack points or defense points

Whats the beat card in Yugioh?

The best card in yugioh is the judegement dragon card.

If you play 2 goblin kings in yugioh do they get 1000 attack points?

While there is another Fiend-Type monster on your side of the field, this card cannot be attacked. The ATK and DEF of this card become the number of Fiend-Type monsters on the field (excluding this card) x 1000 points. This is one of them many rulings where card text is the rule, It states {excluding this card} Not, {Other then Goblin king} So yes they would, this would also result in a lock and your opponent cannot attack.

Yugioh yubel card value?

$2.50 + $0.74 is the value of the Yugioh yubel card plus shipping.

How long do you have to wait to attack in Yugioh the card game?

You just cant attack on the very first turn of the first person going. You can attack right after you summon a monster or set a card, or just attack if your not going to do those, as long as it is not the very first turn of the duel of the first person.

How many attack points does 'Slifer the Sky Dragon' have?

it starts with 0 attack point but for every card you hold in your hand it gains 1000 attack points

What does it mean when a yugioh card has a question mark for an attack?

Read The Effect Of The Card... It'll usually say what the question mark is for... For instance, The Calculator... If it doesn't have an effect.. It's probably fake...

How does slifer the sky dragon gain attack points?

He gains 1000 points for every card in your hand

What do the question marks mean for the attack points and the defence points on a Yu-Gi-Oh card?

It means its attack points mean the effect.If that is hard to understand,read the effect to see.