Zezima's clan chat is the most visited it's usually full. "b a a a m" is the biggest cc its full everyday :P
Most of the towns in runescape have a general store.
There is currently a Runescape 2 and it is a popular MMORPG. You can play it at the website www.runescape.com. It is a F2P (Free to play) and P2P (Pay to play). There was originally Runescape 2, but they renamed runescape 1 "Runescape Classic" and named runescape 2 just "runescape". Runescape classic is runescape 1. Runescape is runescape 2, but they dont call it 2, well most people dont, they just call it runescape. Ricco119
Torva set
most of them are yes.
Most general stores sell them.
yea he does have a runescape account his official runescape account is 50u1ja boy go to his clan chat he does come online sometimes but i am not too sure about Arab an Jbar they also might have runescape accounts they most probably don't want to share this info because people will harass them in the game :S like aka you know who the big Z
Clans are for raiding in party together. The most common is Clan Wars.
most likely because you are not in a clan. if you are then something else may be wrong or no one is responding
Clan Wars is a minigame in Runescape. To reach it, you must head into the Wilderness, north of Varrock. It has three main components: a battle between two clans (most popular), a safe free-for-all, and a dangerous free-for-all. If you are not a member of a clan, you can still join one when you get there.
My clan is rangers only and its all non mems my user is nightmar163 the clan name is zz pures zz.
There are many ways to start your own clan on runescape. The first, most important thing is making a forum thread stating that you have a new clan that is recruiting. Also, it is good to get some of your friends in your clan, because nobody wants to join a clan with no members. Also, BE ORGANIZED ON YOUR THREAD! I cant tell you how many times i have seen people with threads that go like this: "Hosting tryouts for clan ____ pm me my name is ____." You need to tell people what your clan does, how often it does things, requirements, how many people are in the clan, and any other information. Also, a good clan name always draws views into your forum thread. If you have any questions, my runescape name is Zeus Wins. Good luck!
There is most likely a Cc for every kind of skill there is in RuneScape, the best way to find them is look in their respective categories on the forums or in the general chat forums to see who started one.
Runescape is not primarily a chat room. However, if you wish for something like that, you have multiple options, including but not exclusive to: * IRC (Internet Relay Chat) * ** The most popular IRC client is probably mIRC (http://www.mirc.com/) * AIM chat rooms * Windows Live (formerly known as MSN) chat rooms And a host of other instant messaging clients which allow such things. More chat rooms can be found here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=online+chat+room ~F15
There is no tactic to it, it's up to the players if they want to join or not, most high-levels are either already in a clan or they just don't care about clans or just see no point in it unless they go Kq'ing etc.
The most frequently visited online dating services to supply chat rooms are Spark, Zoosk, and Match. Some integrate their chat through social networks. Some have chat rooms while others provide video chat.
If you mean, free chat unlike quick-chat-only, that's most worlds. Go to the world list; the worlds that are only quick chat have a special note in the list.If you mean, free chat unlike quick-chat-only, that's most worlds. Go to the world list; the worlds that are only quick chat have a special note in the list.If you mean, free chat unlike quick-chat-only, that's most worlds. Go to the world list; the worlds that are only quick chat have a special note in the list.If you mean, free chat unlike quick-chat-only, that's most worlds. Go to the world list; the worlds that are only quick chat have a special note in the list.
The JKennedys from Ireland are their most famous clan