

Best Answer

Lego Creator is the best, but it's really old, so don't bother with it.

LEGO Star Wars is the coolest.

Lego Batman is the most addicting

Lego Indiana Jones is AMAZING.

LEGO Harry Potter is the best.

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Q: What is the most fun LEGO game?
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On your LEGO network do networkes live?

No, they are programmed onto my Lego network to make the game fun.

How do you mod LEGO universe?

Lego Universe is not there to be modified! It's there so you can have fun, not to mess the game about! :)

What game is like LEGO Universe?

A game similar to Lego Universe, is Club Penguin. It has the same kind of idea and is just as fun!

Is LEGO Indy fun?

anything Lego is fun

Is travelers tales making new Lego video games?

There is a rumor that Tt games, (aka Travelers Tales) is in the making of "Lego Spider-man The Video Game" To follow the video games: Lego Batman The game, Lego Indiana Jones The Game, and the award winning Lego Star Wars series. Why do people think Lego Spider-man is the next Lego video game? Because The Lego spider-man mini-figures and kits were very popular, as was the Lego Batman, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars mini-figures/kits were. I'd think Lego spider-man would be pretty fun, as I thought the original Lego Spider-man mini-figures/kits were, I also loved the Lego video game that stated it all, Lego Star Wars. But all the Lego video games following it were fun too. But you know what would be funner than Lego Spider-man? Lego Star Wars BATTLEFRONT, heh heh,Star Wars BATTLEFRONT is a fun game itself, but adding Lego to it would make it funner.

Is the LEGO Land Game Good?

Yes, it's a fun game withe four different areas. Lego Land, Western, Adventure Castle. I like it, I would recommend it.

Where can you get Lego Ninjago Cheap?

you can get it from denmark or,but if you live near the town you can get it out of GAME in the town have fun with your new game :)

Why did LEGO Indiana Jones stop?

Because Is The Most Boringest Lego Game

Will there be a Lego Prince of Persia game?

most likely not

Lego soccer mania?

Fun game, also kind of amusing. you can also score from the hardest angles

What kind of LEGO set would be the most fun for a 5-year-old boy"?

A LEGO set with colorful bricks and simple instructions to build vehicles or animals would be the most fun for a 5-year-old boy.

Is LEGO Indiana Jones on Playstation2?

Lego Indiana Jones came out for PlayStation 2, and its a really cool game. I recommend it, and I'm sure you will have a lot of fun playing it!