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Cole Campy over here doesn't have Wifi, TV or a phone whata loser!

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Q: What is the median salary for game designer?
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Starting salary video game designer?

The average starting salary for a video game designer is $57,500 per year. The highest salary for a video game designer is about $200,000.

How much is a game character designer's salary?

The average yearly salary of a game character designer is $45,000. Salary may vary, depending on company and number of years experience.

What is the starting salary of a game designer?

it is about 30,000

What is the highest salary for a fashion designer?

There are many top fashion designers that make a three figure income. However, the median for a fashion designer's salary falls between 40,000 and 70,000 per year.

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The median salary is $37,581 in the USA. This is overall however, not at a specific stage in the career, so entry level salaries are likely to be a lot lower.

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They make on average a median salary of 135,000yr.

How much salary do you get when your a game designer?

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The salary of a multimedia designer is about $62,000

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The average salary for Graphic Designer jobs in Philadelphia, PA is $64,000 and for Graphic Designer in Pittsburgh, PA is $48,000.

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