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'Bene' is a latin root meaning 'good'. A benefactor, for instance, is someone doing good.

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Q: What is the meaning of the root bene?
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What is Latin root in benefactor?

The Latin root of the word beneficiary comes from the Latin adverb "bene" meaning good.

What is the root in benefactor?

The root in the word "benefactor" is "bene," which means "good" or "well."

What is the root for benefactor?

Bene, meaning well, and factor, meaning maker or doer.

What is the Latin root in benefactor?

bene meaning good or well

What best describes the effect of adding a prefix like bene to a root word?

It modifies the root word in a positive way.

What does the root word bene mean?

The root 'bene' means good

What is the Latin root in benefactor and how does the root help you understand its meaning?

Ben-e-fac-tor (noun)a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.Originates for late Middle English; Mid-17th Century. Derived from Latin, from bene facere meaning to do good to. Bene, meaning well, Facere, meaning do.The Latin roots in this case would be bene, meaning well, accompanied by the word facere.Helps us understand the meaning that a benefactor does well or good to others or an individual.

What is the Latin root word for benefactor?

the latin root word for benefactor is bene!! it means "well"

Latin root for benefactor?

The Latin root for "benefactor" is "bene" meaning "well" or "good," and "factor" meaning "someone who does something." Together, "bene" and "factor" form "benefactor," which refers to someone who does good deeds or provides help or financial support.

What is the Latin root and benefactor how does the root help you understand its meaning?

Ben-e-fac-tor (noun)a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.Originates for late Middle English; Mid-17th Century. Derived from Latin, from bene facere meaning to do good to. Bene, meaning well, Facere, meaning do.The Latin roots in this case would be bene, meaning well, accompanied by the word facere.Helps us understand the meaning that a benefactor does well or good to others or an individual.

What is the Latin root for beneficiary?

It is bene, which means well.

What does root word bene mean?
