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For the HM DS games, the little blue feathers are supposed to be a proposal for marriage.

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Q: What is the meaning of little blue feathers?
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What is the name of the bird that has blue, black, and white feathers?

The bird with blue, black, and white feathers is called a Blue Jay.

What if your parakeet has a little blue Ceres and it has no brown beige tan white feathers?

I would say that if the ceres are blue, it is a male. Does it still have stripes on it's head?

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The bird with blue wing feathers in Greece is called a Blue Winged Teal. It has cinnamon brown body feathers and patterned black marks on it.

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As with other birds, the wing of a blue jay is covered in feathers.

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The Nanostructures in the blue penguins' feathers scatter light waves to give off a blue colour. I've seen a lot of little blue penguins, and sometimes they appear more grey, at other times they can look very blue. I'm guessing that it depends on how the light hits them.

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Emus have double feathers, meaning that the bird looks like it has hair, rather than feathers. These soft light brown to dark brown wispy feathers are common on their body and the top of their heads, but sparse on their necks, where blue skin is visible.Emus' feathers are different colours, but they range from dark cream to darker browns and greys. The overall effect tends to be of a dark-brown to grey bird.The emu has brown to black wispy feathers on its head, and a blue patch on its neck.

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What kind of bird has black pointy head with blue tail feathers?

If the tail feathers have dark horizontal stripes, it's probably a Blue Jay.