Bad egg, is a childrens game, played on the playground. see related link.
It's also the meaning for an egg, that has gone rotten.
usually a bad egg can not hatch, a bad egg is NOT A WIFI EVENT, if bad eggs do hatch the game will either freeze or will hatch into another bad egg other Pokemon eggs at the time of a bad egg may hatch into bad eggs instead of Pokemon.There is no such thing as a bad egg in Pokemon.A bad egg can never hatch from itself it will just stay as a egg
A bad egg is a bad egg.
I am pretty sure that you can't get an Arceus Egg and a Bad Egg is bad news. A Bad Egg can't hatch! You need to get an Action Replay, get a Cloning Code and replace that Bad Egg. Trust me. This is from personal experience.
A Bad Egg is a glitch in the game. Having a Bad Egg is not a good sign in playing it. Bad Egg can hatch at any time. Hatching Bad Egg can cause your game to corrupt as well as your game files.
If you have a bad egg, your game card is finished, you can never get rid of a bad egg.
usually a bad egg can not hatch, a bad egg is NOT A WIFI EVENT, if bad eggs do hatch the game will either freeze or will hatch into another bad egg other Pokemon eggs at the time of a bad egg may hatch into bad eggs instead of Pokemon.There is no such thing as a bad egg in Pokemon.A bad egg can never hatch from itself it will just stay as a egg
There is no such thing as a bad egg.
A bad egg is a byproduct of overexcessive hacking. So, to not get a bad egg, don't hack.
A bad egg is a bad egg.
I am pretty sure that you can't get an Arceus Egg and a Bad Egg is bad news. A Bad Egg can't hatch! You need to get an Action Replay, get a Cloning Code and replace that Bad Egg. Trust me. This is from personal experience.
it will say bad egg.
A Bad Egg is a glitch in the game. Having a Bad Egg is not a good sign in playing it. Bad Egg can hatch at any time. Hatching Bad Egg can cause your game to corrupt as well as your game files.
If you have a bad egg, your game card is finished, you can never get rid of a bad egg.
A Bad Egg is a glitch egg in the Pokemon games that willwreak havoc and kill everything if you do hatch it.Here's how it works:1) Bad Egg will hatch from your normal, everyday Egg.2) One step later, Bad Egg will hatch and the game will FREEZE!!!3)BAD EGG KILLS EVERYONE!!!
You are a bad egg.
If you are talking about the bad egg, it does not. That's why it is called a bad egg.
The Good Bad Egg was created in 1947.