Twilight is a boook about a girl that falls in love with a vampire
No, it is just a book and a movie. That's all.
That depends on the Trainer you want, if its the Swordsman its in the cathedral in the main city.
Suggetive themes
the main setting is in Stonybrook, Connecticutt.
important deatels in ur book ect. or like info leading to the answer or main clue of book or ect.
there are many themes in twilight. i think that the main themes are fantasy, romance, and perhaps a bit of a thriller touch to it.
romance and action and falling in love a lot
The presently produced movies have not deviated from the main themes present in the literary counterparts. Therefore I see no reason for the producers to change the theme for Breaking Dawn.
Yes, the cover of Twilight featuring an apple and hands is appropriate in the context of the storyline, as it symbolizes themes of temptation and forbidden love that are central to the book.
Because they are the main characters.
The themes of the Twilight series is vampires and love
Bella and Edward Rabies13
A mortal human (Bella Swan) falls deeply in love with a vampire (Edward Cullen) Its a VERY good book you would not regret reading the serries
The Glory Field is a book with specific themes. The two main themes of this book are inner strength and family ties.
In the movie Twilight, Bella, Edward, and James are the main characters. It also depends on if you want the book answer or the movie answer. The book is very diffrent.
The final book in the main series is titled Breaking Dawn.