no the c inside the circle means that the name next to the copyright sign is patented by the government or whoever bought the rights to that name. no the c inside the circle means that its copyrighted by the government or whoever bought the rights to that name.
it means the military or terrorist group you are playing for
If you mean the app, just tap on the black circle at the end of the coloured bar, when the picture of a horse jumping gets to the blue section in the bar
Incompetent and ignorant are mean words. They begin with the letter i.
format for formal letter
It's the symbol for anarchy.
The c in a circle means 'copyright'.
no the c inside the circle means that the name next to the copyright sign is patented by the government or whoever bought the rights to that name. no the c inside the circle means that its copyrighted by the government or whoever bought the rights to that name.
A black circle means What goes around comes around. (KARMA)
It is the symbol for Alcoholics Anonymous.
This represents the Yin/Yang symbol, especially when one half of the circle is shaded black and the other half is white (with the white half half having a black dot in it, and the black half having a white dot. Superman gone gay? LOL
a cirlce with a v inside it means that its a volt meter
A c inside a circle means "with" in medical terms.
Compass Rose
Compass Rose
Usually, "Go this way."
I believe a circle within a circle is not part of Braille - Braille consists of a series of dots arranged in patterns.