If you mean the app, just tap on the black circle at the end of the coloured bar, when the picture of a horse jumping gets to the blue section in the bar
Mammal + Grass = Horse
That depends on which Harvest Moon you are playing. Most of the time you have to get near the horse and press a button to jump on. However, in some games you have to do other things such as taking the animal outside or you'll have to befriend the horse before you can ride it.
Equip Psi Blades, and then run, jump up, start slicing your sword. This will make you go faster and jump higher.
step 1: tame the horse. (I would recommend feeding it a hay bale first) step 2: press 'E" while on the horse step 3: put the armor in the armor slot
you make a zebra by paint and horse
I think you have to place your horse in the middle
tie a string to the horse and flick it up
It depends on how much patience and training you give to the horse.
you can tell a horse to jump by pressing your legs against his side.... make sure not to hit his side quickly, because that will just make him go faster. so press your legs and keep them there until the horse has finished jumping
You press "A" when the box below the jump turns green.
you make it trot
if your horse refuses the jump, you turn the horse around in a circle, then go a little ways away from the jump, (but not too far giving the horse time to think about how to get away with going over the jump) and then (if the jump is not too large) trot your horse over the jump giving it leg pressure up to the jump to coax it to jump. (its easier to trot over the jump than canter when your horse doesn't want to jump it) if your horse refuses a jump during a show, this will count down points but if your horse refuses a few times you are disqualified. hope that helps!
yes any breed or type of horse can jump, how well they jump depends on how well the horse was trained.
I think you make it gallop, trot, or jump.
Unlike the Harvest Moon Game for Gamecube you can not make your Horse Jump.
Spooking does not matter hoe high a horse can jump. If a horse has jumped over fences and has been trained you will be able to have your horse jump higher in competition.
If you mean making it head into the centre of the jump, then just make sure you have good contact with the horse, reins not too short because it needs its neck to clear the jump. if you are struggling with this then try some guide poles, prop a pole up on the side of the jump to stop it running to that one side this should make it aim for the middle.