I think it is Jynx,the human-shape pokemon.
His known Pokemon are Aron, and Aggron.
Pokemon HeartGold Will Have Sinnoh,Kanto,But Hoenn Least Likely.
scyther at least.
The 789th Pokemon in the National Dex is known as Cosmog, a legendary Psychic-type Pokemon in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
once u get Pokemon on level 30 at least and u have to get at least 5 or 6 Pokemon in your party
Pokemon X and Y, which introduced 70 new Pokemon.
at least ten
No, or at least not yet.
I think it is Jynx,the human-shape pokemon.
all water Pokemon at least
The Pokemon that are in Pokemon blue are at least the first 149 Pokemon in the pokedex. I'm not sure about Mewtwo or Mew though
There are 534 Pokemon currently known.
His known Pokemon are Aron, and Aggron.
at least 50 or a little more...