Thorough and continuous planning followed by aggressive coordination efforts and vigorous execution.
No. Ghost and Dark is super effective to Psychic Pokemon. Fire is super effective to Grass, Steel, Bug, and Ice.
Water, fighting, fire and grass.
no they will be equally effective
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.
Basically the only weakness is water, other types are normally effective or not effective on fire at all.
fire is regularly effective against ghost types
No one has worked out an effective way of doing this yet aside from preventing inflammation that destroys cartilage, in the case of Rheumatoid arthritis. In the case of osteoarthritis the strengthening of surrounding muscles to increase the support to the joint has been known to help.
No. Ghost and Dark is super effective to Psychic Pokemon. Fire is super effective to Grass, Steel, Bug, and Ice.
At the base of the fire.
i recommend chimchar but its totall up to you fire is super effective on grass grass is effective on water and water is effective on fire
a fire extinguisher
Indirect fire support.
Water, fighting, fire and grass.
Fire and Ground.
no they will be equally effective
Water, rock, and ground type are all super effective against fire type pokemon.