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There are many minecraft Survival Games server. The best one I think is CraftRealms(

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Q: What is the ip of the minecraft survival games server?
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What is the IP of the survival games server?

There are many minecraft Survival Games server. The best one I think is CraftRealms(

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The ip is:

What is the survival games on minecraft ip address?

There are many survival games IP addresses, you can easily search one on a forum.

What is a Minecraft server ip?

A minecraft server IP is what you type in to join a specific server. A good one is

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How do you make a minecraft server ip?

You put in the ip on the server_properties page of a server

How do you i find my Minecraft server ip?

Your Minecraft IP is just your computer's ip. Go on google and ask what your ip is.

What is a minecraft server address?

The ip to join a server.

What is the server IP address for mineplex Minecraft server?

How do you join games on minecraft full version?

To join a minecraft sever, click 'Muliplayer'. Then 'Add server' Give it a name. Then enter the IP ! Note: Direct connect is for simply joinning a server without adding a name and its IP to your list. The IP is remembered for the laster server you visited through direct connect when you exit Minecraft.

How do you get a server IP?

A server IP is an address that you use on the internet. You can also use it for minecraft. By the way, wat is zackscott's server ip? You don't have to answer it

What is the best minecraft server?

The Best Minecraft Server EVER is mineplex the ip is or