

Best Answer

Blaziken : Sky Uppercut - Blaze Kick - Ariel Ace (or strong flying type move)- Move of Choice, preferably fire/fighting.

Gardevoir/Kadabra/Alakazam : Psychic (duh) - Shock wave(or a move that's fast and doesn't miss easily) - Calm Mind - Move of Choice, pref defensive (because of low defense in listed Pokemon)

Glalie (found in the cave north of mossdeep at low tide, catch snorunt.) : Ice Beam - Crunch - ?needs more research - needs more research

Salamence (totally awsm!) : Hyper Beam - Dragon Claw - Crunch - Zen Headbutt/Fly

Ludicolo (very useful) : Surf - Rain Dance (because of rain dish) - Toxic - Solarbeam/Move of choice (maybe ice beam, but be warned-isn't very powerful with ludicolo using it)

Sableye (because fighting/normal/phychic moves don't hurt it - very good back-up Pokemon) : Shadow Ball - Fake Out (or move of choice) - Faint Attck - Confuse Ray

Sceptile-Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Hyper Beam, Solarbeam

Blaziken-Sky Uppercut, Blaze kick, Fire Punch, Fire Blast

Snorlax-Body Slam, Fire Blast, Surf, Hyper Beam

Scizor-Slash, Hyper Beam, Metal Claw, Fury Cutter

Charizard-Flamethrower(classic), Fire Blast, Hyper Beam, Fly

Metagross-Metal Claw, Meteor MASH, Psychic, Hyper Beam

manectic lv: 70+

salamence lv:70+

kyogre lv: 70+

gardevoir lv: 70+

metagross lv: 70+

latias/latios lv: 70+

charizard lv: 100

rayquaza lv: 100

giritina (from diamond) lv:100

darkarai lv: 100

umbreon lv: 100

venesaur lv: 100

RAPIDASH - Flash Fire - Fire Blast, Solarbeam, Bounce, Sunny Day

GENGAR - Levitate - Skill Swap, Shadow Punch, Sludge Bomb, (your pick)

SLAKING - Truant - Slack Off, Hyper Beam, Bulk Up, Faca

  • Lv100-Charizard[shiny]- Blast Burn, Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower.
  • Lv100-Tyranitar- Thunder, Crunch, Earthquake, Rock Slide.
  • Lv100-Salamence- Dragonbreath, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Aerial Ace.
  • Lv100-Gyrados-Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Surf.
  • LV100-Pidgeot-Mirror Move, Fly, Wing Attack, Feather Dance.
  • LV100-Golem-Earthquake, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, Brick Break.
  • Super Strong
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