The highest level a character can be in Allods Online at the moment, is 42. However, according to the Allods Community in North America, a content update is soon to come increasing the level cap to 47.
base 40, renown 80
The cap in fiesta online is currently 105, when the game started the cap was 20, then they upgraded it to 50, to 89, to 105. there is now a new highest level it goes to what i know so far 132
Im level 30 at the moment, and my exp bar won't go up any more, im guessing that lvl 30 is the highest
The highest level is level 20.
Yes it is
It costs nothing to play Allods Online. However there are items in the game, that can be purchased using cash.
Donnu but it's here now
4,35 GB
at the arena when you get to novograd lightwood wich would be like lvl 8 and open world pvp at lvl 24
Why yes there is. :)
Sorry but it is a violation to Allods so no one can give you one. Hope you have luck starting from scratch! I am so sorry!
i like pie alot