Cole's height=5'7
Cole's weight=217Ibs
Cole's age= He is in his early twenties 20-23
To make this answer more convenient, ill tell you all the main Sonic characters weight.Sonic the Hedgehog's weight is 35kg or 77lbsShadow the Hedgehog's weight is the same as Sonic and SilverSilver the Hedgehog is the same as Sonic and ShadowTails (Miles Prower) the Fox's weight is 20kg or 44lbsAmy Rose's weight is considered a secret (but after finding the weight of other sonic characters similar to her size and proportions and factorising in age and size, it's safe to assume that Amy's weight is somewhere between 23 to 27 kilograms or so [50-60lbs])Knuckles the Echidna's weight is 40kg or 88lbsRouge the Bat's weight is secret, naturally. (Rouge is Big's age but close to Knuckles' height. If you factor in those two attributes, along with her voluptuous Bulk, you can estimate Rouge's weight is about 35 to 39kg [77-85.5lbs])Dr Eggman's weight is 128kg or 282lbsVector the Crocodile's weight is 200kg or 440lbsEspio the Chameleon's weight is 36kg or 79lbsCharmy the Bee's weight is 10kg or 22lbsBlaze the Cat's weight is unconfirmed ("Don't speak of such a thing")(Sorry, Blaze, but it's my job to speak of such things. Tikal has a physique and build that is similar to Blaze's, not to mention an identical height and age. Tikal's weight can be estimated at around 24 to 29 kilograms (52.8 to 68.8 pounds), so I imagine Blaze's weight is fairly similar.)
BMI is how fit you are. In accordance to your height and age, you should be a certain weight. You cannot really just 'change' it. The only way to change it is to start using the Wii Fit and do some workouts!
Its based on how you do on the balance tests in the beggining, you could be normal weight and if you do poorly on the balance test it will rank you older then you are. The better you do on the balance excercises, the better your wi-fit age will be
You cannot hack into profiles. The other user put a password on their profile because they did not want people to see their weight, age, etc.
Ivai favorite place- beach favorite jewlry- ring anime- naruto and seELa height- 170cm weight-55kg drink- es degan film- serial experimental lain from- flower town song- dont cried me by anima favorite gift- flower number-085-321 game- harvest moon book-not like to read not like- play boy age-18 birthday-november 15 food-fried fish is special color-pink car-I havn't Ellie number-085-332 age-18 birthday- may 5th car- I havn't food-fried rice is special anime-hikarunogo and slamdunk height-170cm books-flash game maker drink-water jewelry-necklare game-breath of fire IV from-grass town weight-54kg gift-flower film-nothing not like:play boy song-never willing by from five minutes colour:green favorite place:Cave Hot Spring Cheats: sagara hikarunogo
You cannot judge a "perfect weight" on age. It is judged on height. There are plenty of height > weight charts online.
Weight is 115 max, no height limit, and 16 is the minimum age.
Body weight for girls (children or teenagers) is related to height and body composition. Therefore, there will be no 'average' weight in relation to age but there will be a healthy weight in relation to height and body composition. For in-depth information about weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various ages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."
Yes, weight is related to height and body composition rather than age.
weight is not worked out by age it is worked out by height.
the age in cairns is 8 but i do not no the age
That is perfectly normal for your height. You are pretty tall for your age so you will probably weigh more than other kids your age.
Weight is worked out on height not age.
this depends on your height, weight and age.
Weight is calculated on height not age.
Weight is worked out on height not age.