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well im gunna explain this in a brief mannor, it all starts with a bunch of unsc guys who are patroling some space area, and all of a sudden they detect a mysterious ship, this ship was near enough indestructable with weapons of red hot burning plasma able to penetrate the unsc people ship easily. so after a while of getting to no this strange species the unsc guy's decide to name them the covenant ( or they themselves name themselves that) anyhow, this woman called docter hasley ( i think that her name or near enough)a citozen of earth ( i don't no exactly how all this works) decides to design a programme, this programme is a secret weapon, so she invites a special navy lieutenant ( captain keys ) to join her abord her ship, so they awaken after many days of awkward kryo sleep and she tells him about the mission they are on,she tells him that they are going to observe a child ( TEH MASTERCHIEFZ LOLOLOLOL) is name is john, she doesnt tell him exactly why, the reason is that she is going to take subtly away 100 children (the fittest and the most willing to win) from there homes and transform them into walking tanks ( Spartans) so she does, she takes them all away and they are trained, harshly trained so thy can feel no pain and improvise when things don't go to plan, so they can adapt to the battle field, and also these guys (and gals) have superior strenght and intelligance, so basically these are super soldiers, a new weapon against the covenant, all of the Spartans then die trying to save a planet called reach and one survives ( TEH MASTERCHIEFFZ LOLOLOLOLOLOL) this is the guy you see in the video game, the guy that takes a crap on every alien he ccomes across,, yeah that guy. the covenant have constructed huge rings that are weapons and john ( TEH MASTERCHIEFZZ LOLOLOLOL) goes to blow them up. that's basically it so far, i missed quite a large sum of the story somewhere in there but you wanted to no it so i answered as good as i could be bothered to :) hope i helped.

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Q: What is the halo storyline?
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The storyline continues from 'Halo' and is quite involved. For a further plot summary, see the related links.

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Hopefully yes.

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Yes. Halo 3 is better. There is a book called Halo fall of reach and the game halo reach went totally off the storyline from the book

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Rumored to be September 2009 P.S. It was renamed to ODST to follow the storyline.

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Look here and go into the "Game Info" section and should tell you all there. Even will tell you the WHOLE story line of the halo series

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No and yes, it won't follow it directly, but Reach will be glassed in the end.